In Memory of a Dear Friend

I thought I saw your face today,
in the sparkle of the morning sun.
And then I heard the angel say,
"Their work on earth is done."

I thought I heard your voice today,
then laugh your hearty laugh.
And then I heard the angel say,
"There's peace dear one at last."

I thought I felt your touch today,
in the breeze that rustled by.
And then I heard the angel say,
"The spirit never dies."

I thought I saw my broken heart,
in the crescent of the moon.
And then I heard the angel say,
"The Lord is coming soon."

I thought that you had left me,
for the stars so far above.
And then I heard the angel say,
"They left you with their love."

I thought that I would miss you so,
and never find my way.
And then I heard the angel say,
"They're with you every day."
"The sun, the wind, the moon, the stars,
will forever be around,
reminding you of the love you shared,
and the peace they've finally found."

~ Bobbi Davis ~

Janice - where do I even start. Way back when, I happened across a forum called Childcare and Beyond... not thinking much my first visit as I had never been to a message board before. I then received a welcoming message and decided to click on the link and visit the site again. I was hooked - a wonderful place for providers to bond, receive support, and share ideas was just sitting there for me to become a part of. Within weeks, you and I were becoming internet friends and you asked me to join as a Forum Assistant - I was hesitant and not sure what I had to offer in that capacity, but you assured me that you would only ask for what I was able and willing to give and share. I loved being part of the forum and loved having you as a friend. It's amazing how we have never met and yet I felt that I knew you so well. I could tell a post was yours before even clicking on it! Through the years, the forum grews, but never lost the feel of a warm family. Just like a family, people would come and go but never be truly gone... they would pop in for a visit and a chat and to catch up on things. I was always amazed at how you remembered everyone! You were the Mom of the forum - the person everyone turned to in times of crisis for a shoulder to cry on. The person we could always count on to be there when we needed help, support, information. If you didn't have an answer, you sure knew who or where to go to get it. You will be missed more than you will ever know. We have vowed to continue the forum as was your dream - we know you are watching down on us and smiling... your legacy will carry on and you will always be a part of Childcare and Beyond and a part of everyone who has ever walked through it's doors.
I miss you dearly my good friend,
Luv Ruth

From: Janiece (JanR1) To: ALL 12/17/1999 5:37 pm

I want to welcome each and every visitor here....

We are still under construction and hope to have it finished soon but being women it will never be the way we want it....So if you see furniture moved you will know why....Please feel free to post any of your needs, feelings or whatever is needed....Just please be kind....Think before you post any remarks to anyone....Remember that feelings are hurt easily at times and we all need to be aware of it....Thanks and have a good time here....Love and kindness rule here....Janice


To: Janice (JanR1) From: Beth (ryjack16) July30, 2005 7:12 pm

This is the deadline for my chance to pay tribute to you…I am still shaking my head in wonderment. I see you as this all-embracing mother/friend whose computer chair sat at the center of so many lives. I knew that you were special when you were with us, but I’m afraid I didn’t realize just how special, until after you had left us, and the tears flowed and flowed, and the list of names of lives you had touched went on and on, and continues to do so.


I can’t begin to put the magnitude of what you did into words. You set out to start a forum with some friends, but the result of what happened from that chair of yours… the e-mails that have come to me… the people who have called, IM’d, posted…stopped posting… the people who have let me know in their own ways how much you have meant to them…I have never met anyone who has touched so many…and yet, you were able to do this without meeting most of us face to face.


The other day someone said how they loved to watch you in chat…new people would come in, and you would, “reel them in” and they would be hooked. But hooked in such a good way! You were so full of love, acceptance and kindness! So many people have said to me, “Oh, how I miss chatting with Janice daily!” You were a constant to so many…a steady rock for them to lean on. Even though you often said you wore your heart on your sleeve, and you let us know when you were down, you were there for each and every one. Some saw you as a mother figure, some more like a sister…to me, you were a very special friend.


 We will do our best to keep your “baby” running as you would want it to be run. It shouldn’t be too hard to do, because, I really do feel, we tried all along to live up to your expectations, and we will continue to strive to do so. Because you have taught us well, Childcare and Beyond has become a big family who wants to work together, and we will remember above all, that love and kindness rule here. We know you are guiding us-just don’t move the furniture too much when we are not looking!




I want to say, as an assistant, we saw so many sides of Janice. Most members seen the warm, welcoming MOM type person she was in chat, and on the boards. As assistants we saw how important in her life this forum was. IT was so very important to her, she watched daily totals, and reached out to every new person that stopped by. I personally would watch her in chat, and see how she would welcome newbies, and before we finished chat, they were hooked. I would tease her telling her to quit roping them in! Her attention to each on of us, making every member, every assitant feel like they were the most special here, and how important each one of us was to this forum. That was her. She was very sincere in her love for all. She was special to me as more than a daycare person, but as a real friend. I miss her name that is now not highlighted on my aol buddy list. I miss not being able to rely on her to tell me goodnight. I know though she is not gone, but taken leave, to be there to welcome us at our time.
Sharon Lillo, Kansas

God's Garden

God looked around his garden,
And found an empty place.
He then looked down upon the earth,
And saw your tired face.
He put his arms around you,
And lifted you to rest;
God's garden must be beautiful-He always takes the best.
He knew that you were suffering,
He knew you were in pain;
He knew you would never get well on earth again.
He saw the road was getting rough
And hills were hard to climb
So he closed your weary eyelids, and whispered,
"Peace be thine."
It broke our hearts to lose you,
But you didn't go alone,
For a part of us went with you,
The day God called you home.

~Author Unknown~~

Carlyn & Ken Richards (Adelaide, Australia)
Your Aussie Friends

Jennifer (cbsoapfan)

Janice Reid

Never Criticizing,
Internet Saavy

Intelligent and

I am so sorry to hear of our loss. I have not been visiting your site until most recently. I have been in child care is some form or another for 30 years. My biggest concern is that when those of us who live and breath early childhood are gone, who will pick up the flag and keep waving it. Each time one candle is gone, that leaves a dimmer world. I hope someone steps and and resumes that light.
JoAnn Kelly

Messages from loved ones
Taken from Janice's Online Memorial Page

Always in my heart / Joni Levine (Partner in crime, friend )
When I first came on Delphi through I was just trying to get my new little thing started. I stumbled across both Punkys and CCB at the same time. I was afraid to even post or such as I thought it would be viewed that I was a here to steal thunder to my new forum or what not. When Janice found out who I was, she not only welcomed me, but supported and guided me. Rather than seeing me as any competition...even though feeling recently hurt and vulnerable on the forums. she extended her trust and friendship to me. In fact, I cannot think of too many examples in my life cyber or real, where I have had someone go so full tilt to befriend me!! She then insisted I become an assistant on her forum. What few knew is spent a lot of energy helping me with mine. She became a true friend and I know my heart and my im screen will feel very empty for a long long time.


friend / Selma Flynn (friend)
hi janice you are a beautiful little angel now so you can fly and look down on all your love ones .and you can lay your little head down and rest in peace my bobby is in heaven to he would be very proud to open his arm and take care of you
please feel free to visit bobboweb at

SELMA Flynn lit a candle on 07/12/2005: "you are a little angel with golen wing open them and fly into heaven."


You will be missed / Rita Berry (Cyber friend )
Janice welcomed me into the forum with an open heart and mind. Always there to offer words of advice, a kind word, a compliment, a shoulder to cry on, share an experience that might help another, help mend a tiff between 2 struggling souls, share a happy experience, share about her love for her husband and family, talk about the future, talk about the past, put a smile on a face, offer a cyber hug and just be there for anyone who needed her. That is the kind of person I strive to be. She lived through example and she is one I will always try to follow:)R.


Cyber Forum Friend / Kelly (CC&B Friend )
Janice was always there for afternoon chats and made me feel welcome. Allways took the time not only hear but to listen. Remembered everything about everyone she talked to. Very supportive and full of ideas. I know she has a special placein Heaven and is blessing them there

Goodbye Letter / Leah (one of her cyber brats )

I have no way of knowing if you will ever see this but I feel like I have to write it down. You have been such a good friend to me for the past 5 years. You are always so patient with me and never judge, you were there it seemed whenever I needed you and always ready to listen and offer advice or even share a dirty joke.

I called you my computer mom and that's exactly what you are. I have shared thoughts and feelings with you that I can't share with my own mom because she just wouldn't get it. I sometimes forget that we have never met face to face because I know you so well. You understand how when I am really hurting I can't write and just go away. You are always there for me when I come back and always happy to 'see' me again. You treat everyone with kindness and respect unless they earn your contempt then you sweetly suggest they take their toys and go play elsewhere.

You have been an example to me of how to be more accepting of others just as they are and most of all myself. You understand about shyness and how it can prevent people from trying new things. You also gave me the courage to believe in myself and start something new when I opened my home daycare.

You answered all my silly newbie questions about daycare with kindness and really cared about my daycare. You were the first person I told when I got my first dc child, you were the first person I told when I got stiffed by a daycare client. You were the person who handed me the duck tape and ruler and convinced me to get my money from that client and gave me the words to use. You made me belive this was a business first and as a business person I had to be strong and stand up for myself. Most of all you taught me the difference between assertiveness and aggressiveness. Words come easy to me on paper but in real life it is hard so often they come out wrong. You are such an example of class, you are what I want to be when I grow up.

You were the person I turned to when I thought my husband was cheating on me, you were the voice of reason who told me to not jump to conclusions and when it turned out that I had proof of his cheating you convinced me to take it slowly and see if we could work through it. When he left for good and things got really bad you cried with me. I will never forget that you were always there during that horrible time and you could make me smile even then. You listened to me rant and rave and plot and scream all through the divorce. You helped me more than you will ever know.

You were a great example of how to be a loving caring person, you never failed to let me know you loved me even when I didn't love myself. You helped me see that I was a smart and worthwhile person when I couldn't see it.

You loved all of us and nothing hurt you worse than when your computer children couldn't get along with each other. Just like a real mom you didn't want to take sides but just wanted us to forgive each other and go back to being family.

For my own selfish reasons I don't want to let you go. I feel as though you are an Angel here on earth and that you fulfilled your destiny by being such a guiding hand for so many of us. I pray that God grants me some of the wisdom and kindness you have. You have truely touched my life and my heart and I Love You more than I can ever say.

I will continue to pray for a miracle because I want to wake up and find this was all a really bad dream and my computer mom is still right there where I left her last time we signed off on the I.M.

I love you, Leah


Janice you were a TRUE Friend / Carol Mobley (Friend)
You were a wonderful friend and always had a smile for me and everyone you met.You brought me out of a dark place and helped me see I could smile again! You have a special place in my heart forever. Keep smiling down at me .I love you my friend!


Janice was an amazing and loving lady / Nena Haan (internet friend )
Janice loved everyone no matter what she had unconditional love for everyone she met! She was very special and very loved! She will be missed!
I hope the family the best and they are in my prayers.


You are not Gone / Sharon Lillo (#1 Brat/buddy )
I don't feel you are gone, you have become part of so many of our lives, and even if we couldn't be together, we knew we were there for each other. I will miss the name on my buddy list, but I do know you are there. You were my internet pal, my extra Mom, my listening ear, and I hope I was there enough for you too. I know now you are at peace, and smiling down, maybe even editing some posts! Till we meet again, save me a good seat.


Be At Peace, Dear Friend / Sherry Whissen (internet friend )

Even though there were miles between us, and time has passed since we last talked, I have never had such a caring and loving internet friend like Janice. She offered us a safe and loving place in which we could share thoughts and feelings. Ideas for caring for our family and child care children. We shared laughter and tears and came to know Janice as a loving, caring wife, mother and grandmother.

What a treasure she has given us, with the start of the message board. She brought strangers together from around the world. Not many can say that they have done that!

She will be missed. One can never go to the forum without thinking about her. She will live long in our hearts and thoughts. We shall meet again, and this time in person. Love to you, Janice.

Your friend from Kansas.




Alphabet Soup Family Child Care / Faye Sears (Email Friend )

I did not know Janiece very well, but I knew she was a wonderful person by what everyone said about her. She
emailed me a few tims and was very thoughtful and caring.
God's purpose for her life here on earth was over and we
don't understand. But now she is with her Heavenly Father in complete peace and happiness with no more tears or pain of any kind. Everyone will miss her so much, but she will be waiting for us. I look forward to meeting her some day and I know all of you do too.
Faye Sears (Bobbie Shafto)
(The poem below is a favorite of mine.)
When Tomorrow Starts Without Me

When tomorrow starts without me, and I’m not there to see

If the sun should rise and find your eyes, all filled with tears for me

I wish so much you wouldn’t cry, the way you did today,

While thinking of the many things, we didn’t get to say.

I know how much you love me, as much as I love you

and each time that you think of me, I know you’ll miss me too.

But when tomorrow starts without me, please try to understand

that an Angel came and called my name, and took me by the hand.

And said my place was ready, in Heaven far above

and that I’d have to leave behind, all those I dearly love.

But as I turned to walk away, a tear fell from my eye

for all my life I’d always thought, I didn’t want to die.

I had so much to live for, so much yet to do

it seemed almost impossible, that I was leaving you.

I thought of all the yesterdays, the good ones and the bad

I thought of all the love we shared, and all the fun we’d had.

If I could relive yesterday, just even for awhile,

I’d say good-bye and kiss you and maybe see you smile.

But then I fully realized, that this could never be,

for emptiness and memories, would take the place of me.


Janice / Carlyn (Aussie friend )


I want to thank you for letting us be ourselves and for the way you cared about each and every one of our feelings.

Also how you were such a warm, caring and loving person that anyone could meet.
And how you would accept us as part of your family.
We all Loved you for that, to a lot us you were our Mother.

For that reason is why you will live in my heart forever.

Till we meet again
Carlyn Your Aussie friend xxxx


Those were the days / Pat Alexander (N/A forum Assistant )

When I first got my computer I was surfing around finding things of interest. Eventually I found child care forums and boards and etc. I ended up on a email list with other providers and it was there I met janicee.
Eventually she started CCB and invited me to join. Which I did. Then Iost my link to it and my pass words and you name it so it was a while before I was back in there. Had to start all over again. But Janicee lead me back.
And it's there I have been ever since. She was very proud of CCB, and all the people who came to visit, or join, and post. The forum had a good reputation and she aimed high for that. She loved reading the post and being there for everyone. It was my plan to come visit her this summer. Unfortunately that won't happen now. I had a good cyber friend...and I will miss her terribly. But I am glad that I had the opportunity to be a part of her forum, and be a friend.

A Friend

A friend is like a shade tree
Beside a summer way.
A friend is like the sunshine
That makes a perfect day.
A friend is like a flower
That's worn close to the heart.
A friend is like a treasure
With which one will not part.
(author unknown)






Carlyn Richards lit a candle on 07/24/2005: "It has now been 3 weeks and you are still missed as if it was yesterday, you will always be in my Heart."


Pearl Watkins lit a candle on 07/22/2005: "I always knew you were a click away..I am lost without you . You are always in my heart. I love You and Don."


Pearl Watkins lit a candle on 07/22/2005: "I always knew you were a click away..I am lost without you . You are always in my heart. I love and Don."

Beth :0) lit a candle on 07/19/2005: "Janice, you will always be in my heart. I feel your hand guiding me.Thank you for touching my life."



Jennifer Tilley lit a candle on 07/18/2005: "The world is a better place because Janice shared her love and kindness with so many!."


DJ Djschildcare lit a candle on 07/18/2005: "I will miss you Janice, you made me smile and I will always smile when I think of you. Your legacy to all of us."


Tdeb:) lit a candle on 07/16/2005: "Dear Janice, You touched my heart and inspired my soul. Forever grateful. Hugs, Tdeb:)."


Diane Passerby lit a candle on 07/15/2005: "my prayers to her family and friends."


Christine (tina289) Baylor lit a candle on 07/15/2005: "Janice's was a dear , kind hearted, person who will be greatly missed. Thanks for being a wonderful friend."


Mary Laweryson lit a candle on 07/14/2005: "Janice, Your words of wisdom will always be in my heart. Your kindness is like no other. Thank you my friend."


Joanne Beaver lit a candle on 07/14/2005: "Janice...what a terrific lady....kind, warm ,generous, funny. You will always hold a special place in my heart."


Tracy Martinez lit a candle on 07/14/2005: "May your family find some comfort in this time of great loss."


Sandy Sciacca lit a candle on 07/14/2005: "Janice, i can't believe you are gone, may you shine now in heaven."

Gramajudy Kellerman lit a candle on 07/14/2005: "you made us all feel so special and welcome....i only wish that we could have met in person !! bless you in heaven."



Linda (icare4kids) lit a candle on 07/13/2005: " will always hold a special place in my heart :)."

Cheryl Cuthbert lit a candle on 07/13/2005: "Janice there was never a day that your kindness didn't show through. You will not be forgotten."



Dixie (Dixie_Chips) lit a candle on 07/13/2005: "May wonderful memories of you continue to bless all of those who knew & loved you. Your spirit lives on."


07/13/2005: "Rest in Peace Janice, your family and online friends will forever remember your life here on earth."


Heather Fondell lit a candle on 07/13/2005: "You once sent me an angel, now you are the angel."

Terri Koch lit a candle on 07/13/2005: "Everytime I see a shining star, I`ll take comfort in knowing it is you my friend, watching over us. Thank You."



Kelly Hamilton lit a candle on 07/13/2005: "I have alwyas been told that those who care for children have a special place in Heaven. I know that Janice is there!"


Bonnie (Albertamom) lit a candle on 07/13/2005: "You will never be forgotten because you live in the hearts and minds of those you touched."


Heidi Trick lit a candle on 07/13/2005: "May God bless this wonderful woman that has inspired my life like she has with so many others."

Michelle Kindall lit a candle on 07/13/2005: "Janice made an impression on so many lives. Her unconditional love and support will continue on long after she's gone."



BowMoMville lit a candle on 07/13/2005: "I lit a candle for Janice on July 13/05. May God strengthen her family and give them peace."

Cindy Hall lit a candle on 07/13/2005: "Janice, you were always postive and very helpful. Your kindness, I really appreciated.We will all miss you."



Nena Haan lit a candle on 07/13/2005: "Janice was wonderful and will be missed. This candle is for the love she shown for all!."


Janet Ah Mook Sang lit a candle on 07/13/2005: "You helped me more than you know in many ways...I am so glad that I was able to know you. Aloha...."


Shannon lit a candle on 07/13/2005: "You will always be in our hearts and on our minds. God bless you."

Lee lit a candle on 07/13/2005: "Janice, You touched so many people in such positive ways. We're going to miss your wise guidance. Bless you."



April Jackson lit a candle on 07/13/2005: "Jancie was one of a kind lady and she was tender harted. She was stronge, caring, loving and all will miss her."

Maryalice Ammons lit a candle on 07/13/2005: "Janice, you were always there whenever I needed something. Enjoy running your new forum in your new home."



Lynn lit a candle on 07/13/2005: "I feel blessed to have known you...even for so short a time. You will be missed."

Michelle Gengenbacher lit a candle on 07/13/2005: "Our mentor and friend. Thank you for your caring heart and words of wisdom. God Bless!."



Sherry Whissen lit a candle on 07/13/2005: "For my friend Janice-it reminds me of you know how much light you brought into the lives of so many? Thank you."


Christie PlayingAgain lit a candle on 07/13/2005: "I am SO glad that I had the opportunity to know you through CCB. You will be missed by all. We love you!."


Irene (Renee) Gleghorn(B.C. Canada lit a candle on 07/13/2005: "Janice. thank-you for your kindness. You were an inspiration to all us "Childcare Providers."

Berit Nikolaisen lit a candle on 07/13/2005: "Dear mom.You brought so much light into my life in so many ways. Now im lighting a candle for you. My love always."



Katie Pilaszewski lit a candle on 07/13/2005: "you are all in my prayrs at this hard time."

Sharold Friedrich lit a candle on 07/13/2005: "Janice you were a true friend. My you rest in Gods loving arms. You will be missed."



Marcie Cleveland lit a candle on 07/13/2005: "Janice, you were a wonderful person. Thank you for your kindness and guidance. I will miss you dearly. God Bless."


Cindy5047 lit a candle on 07/13/2005: "Janice, thank you for all the kindness given,you have touched everyone's heart! Heaven is lucky to have you!!!."


Elaine (thingamajig) Sisson lit a candle on 07/13/2005: "To a WONDERFUL woman, wife, mother,g-ma, and friend that touched my life, and I will miss. May GOD comfort your family."


Carlyn Richards lit a candle on 07/13/2005: "Janice, Thank you for being a friend,You will never be far from my heart,{{{hugs}}}Carlyn."


Mandy (itsmandy) lit a candle on 07/12/2005: "You left footprints on my heart, for that I will never be the same. I'm blessed God granted me the gift of knowing you!"


Faye Sears lit a candle on 07/12/2005: "Janiece, You did it Sweetie! You have gone home to Heaven and now you know what Heaven is really like! Hugs! Faye."


Janet Kuhn lit a candle on 07/12/2005: "You were one of my very first "online" friends, I will miss your."

Mary-Jane Garnett lit a candle on 07/12/2005: "Ah those marathon naptime chats (Pacific Time) and Friday nights, too. You'll be chatting in heaven, I'm sure."



Donna Carrigan lit a candle on 07/12/2005: "Dearest Janice It was so nice meeting you and Don last year. Thank you for the wonderful day."

Sharon Lillo lit a candle on 07/12/2005: "I will treasure our time together. You have been very special in my life. Save a spot for me!."



Cindi (doodletop) Jones lit a candle on 07/12/2005: "We go way back to the start of CCB. I will miss you. This time you had to leave "chat " first.........."

Maria Goddard lit a candle on 07/11/2005: "Janice,my dear friend I will surely miss you!Our times together in chats will never be forgotten!Love to you!."



Jeanette Kelly lit a candle on 07/11/2005: "Our times together the four of us are my memories."

Jeanette Kelly lit a candle on 07/11/2005: "Janice, my dearest friend, I will miss you. We chatted everyday without fail. The four of us had such fun."