Our Forum Policy

To provide support to childcare providers and parents in an informative and caring way. Working together to sharing information and ideas, to make our world a better place for our children's future.


To ensure that all members and guests feel welcome and comfortable while visiting our forum we ask each of you to follow these simple guidelines.

Be Kind! When replying to a post, offer your suggestions and ideas in a caring and considerate manner. We frown on rudeness, severe criticism, and blatant disregard for members feelings. No member deserves this kind of treatment.

Keep your words Sweet! No profanity or vulgarity will be allowed. A warning will be issued on the first offense. A second offense could result in expulsion from the forum.

No Soliciting! Soliciting for the express purpose of operating any type of business for financial gain will not be allowed. Please do not come to our forum to strictly advertise your business or forum. We welcome all members and guests to visit our forum...and ultimately welcome you to link your forum or web site in your signature file once you are a fully participating member of our forum.

Our forum is monitored by our Forum Manager and our Forum Assistants, however, the opinions expressed in our members messages are not necessarily the opinions of our Forum Manager and Forum Assistants. We are not responsible for the actions of our members. We do ask that all guests and members follow our guidelines. If we find postings that are disruptive or that do not follow our guidelines, they will be removed. We reserve the right to block any or all members should we deem it necessary for the overall goodness of our forum.

Thank you for your kind and considerate compliance with our Forum Policy. This is your forum, we hope that you enjoy what we have to offer and have a great time during your visits!

Copyright© Childcare and Beyond

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